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Certificate in Understanding Distressed Behaviour in Children Level 2 (SKI24S032)

Health and Wellbeing

This course is ideal for those who wish to develop their knowledge and understanding of distressed behaviour in children. It’s also valuable for anyone who is planning a career that requires an understanding of distressed behaviour and is looking to gain a qualification in this. The programme is suitable for those who desire to form a foundation due to little or no previous experience of the topic.

Mode of attendance: Flexible

Number of weeks: 8

Venue: Online Delivery

Free Course

Certificate in Understanding Nutrition and Health Level 2 (SKI24S033)

Health and Wellbeing

The purpose of the qualification is to increase the learner’s knowledge and understanding of nutrition and healthy eating. It covers the following areas: principles of healthy eating; nutritional needs of a variety of individuals; using food and nutrition information to plan a healthy diet; principles of weight management; eating disorders and food safety for the home environment.

Mode of attendance: Flexible

Number of weeks: 9

Venue: Online Delivery

Free Course

Certificate in Understanding Specific Learning Difficulties Level 2 (SKI24S034)

Health and Wellbeing

Learners who wish to learn more about Specific Learning Difficulties. This qualification would also be useful for those who may wish to move into a support role for Specific Learning Difficulties in a school or work setting.

Mode of attendance: Flexible

Number of weeks: 9

Venue: Online Delivery

Free Course

Certificate in Understanding the Care and Management of Diabetes Level 2 (SKI24S035)

Health and Wellbeing

The purpose of the qualification is to provide updating and continuing professional development (CPD) by developing knowledge relevant to job roles which involve caring for individuals with diabetes. Learners may be employed or seeking employment in the health and social care sector. The qualification develops knowledge and understanding of diabetes; prevention and early intervention type 2 diabetes; the initial care of diabetes and the treatment and management of diabetes.

Mode of attendance: Flexible

Number of weeks: 7

Venue: Online Delivery

Free Course

Cooking on a Budget (CAR24T102)

Health and Wellbeing

Learn how to cook interesting, healthy meals for yourself and your family within your budget.

Mode of attendance: In-person

Start date: Wednesday, 23 April 2025

Number of weeks: 5

Time: 13:30 - 15:30

Venue: Church of Scotland (Carlisle)

Free Course

Cooking on a Budget (CAR24T106)

Health and Wellbeing

Learn how to cook interesting, healthy meals for yourself and your family within your budget.

Mode of attendance: In-person

Start date: Wednesday, 11 June 2025

Number of weeks: 5

Time: 13:30 - 15:30

Venue: Church of Scotland (Carlisle)

Free Course

Hill Skill Day on the Hill: Low Fells (CAR24T105)

Health and Wellbeing

The course will concentrate on practical navigation skills and learning a simple strategy for mountain travel and will be delivered in a relaxed manner identifying personal needs and weaknesses allowing time for individual practice.

Mode of attendance: In-person

Start date: Saturday, 7 June 2025

Number of weeks: 1

Time: 10:00 - 15:30

Venue: Pooley Bridge

Full fee: £33.00
Concessionary fee: £16.50
Staff fee: £28.05