Adult Learning has developed a range of partnerships with subcontracted providers to help achieve our strategic outcomes ensuring:
- People in Cumbria are healthy and safe.
- Places in Cumbria are well connected and thriving.
- The economy in Cumbria is growing and benefits everyone.
Cumbria is the second largest county in England with an area of approximately 2,500 square miles. This presents considerable challenges for delivery of a county-wide service. Many of our community-based subcontractors enable us to meet the demand for provision in geographic areas we cannot reach through our 6 area-based county centres. This is especially relevant in areas affected by rural deprivation such as parts of Eden, Allerdale, and Copeland.
A number of our subcontractors are niche providers working with specific targeted groups of disadvantaged adults, such as adults who are unemployed or those who are disabled or are recovering from mental ill health.
We also work with a partner organisation which specialises in delivery of Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) qualifications aimed at supporting local businesses in the West of Cumbria, Carlisle and South Lakes.
We will continue to develop partnerships with subcontracted partners to ensure we remain proactive in meeting the needs of the Cumbrian Community in providing a varied and relevant curriculum than can be accessed by all.
Supply Chain Fees Policy 2023/24 (PDF 384KB)
Subcontracted Provision 2021/22 (PDF 248KB)