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Certificate in Awareness of Bullying in Children and Young People Level 2 (SKI24S025)

Health and Wellbeing

This qualification is helpful for anyone wanting to form a greater understanding of bullying and how it can affect individuals. The programme is suitable for those who desire to form a foundation due to little or no previous experience of awareness and prevention of bullying Learners will develop their knowledge and understanding of how to support individuals who are being bullied and individuals who bully.

Mode of attendance: Flexible

Number of weeks: 7

Venue: Online Delivery

Free Course

Certificate in Awareness of Mental Health Problems Level 2 (SKI24S028)

Health and Wellbeing

This course is ideal for learners who wish to develop their awareness of mental health and a range of mental health problems, as well as gain an awareness of how to work and interact with individuals with these conditions. Anyone who currently works in health and social care settings would benefit from this course, as well as those who would like to raise their awareness of mental health for personal reasons.

Mode of attendance: Flexible

Number of weeks: 11

Venue: Online Delivery

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Certificate in Coding Practices Level 3 (LEA24S039)

Digital Skills

This qualification is designed for learners who want to increase their knowledge, skills and understanding of coding. Successful completion of the required units will allow the learner to develop in-depth knowledge, skills and understanding of coding practices. It will also support progression into relevant employment and further study in coding. 

Mode of attendance: Flexible

Number of weeks: 18

Venue: Online Delivery

Free Course

Certificate in Counselling Skills Level 2 (SKI24S026)

Health and Wellbeing

The purpose of the qualification is to develop learners’ knowledge and understanding and introduce them to the skills required for counselling to prepare for further learning or training. This course does not qualify learners to practice as a counsellor but is suitable for those who wish to increase their understanding of counselling skills and techniques in order to engage in helpful interaction appropriately. Learners could use their new knowledge to complement an existing role, or as a basis for continued study to attain a qualification in this sector.

Mode of attendance: Flexible

Number of weeks: 8

Venue: Online Delivery

Free Course

Certificate in Improving Personal Exercise, Health and Nutrition Level 2 (SKI24S036)

Health and Wellbeing

The course is aimed at anybody who wants to expand their knowledge and understanding of health, well-being and exercise, including the role of nutrition in exercise and planning for personal exercise and nutrition. The course will provide a deeper understanding of factors that affect personal motivation and basic anatomy and physiology as well as energy requirements and fluid replacement for exercise and the importance of exercising safely. Learners will also understand how to follow an appropriate personal programme of exercise and nutrition.

Mode of attendance: Flexible

Number of weeks: 8

Venue: Online Delivery

Free Course

Certificate in Self-harm and Suicide Awareness and Prevention Level 2 (SKI24S027)

Health and Wellbeing

The purpose of the qualification is to provide learners with an understanding of the signs that an individual may be self-harming or having suicidal thoughts. The qualification will support those in a workplace setting who have safeguarding responsibilities to include: • HR professionals • religious leaders • safeguarding leads (as required by Ofsted) • community leaders • line managers • prison officers • teachers • school support staff • play workers • counsellors • social workers • mental health first aiders • social care workers • support workers. The qualification is also designed to support learners in raising awareness of the subject and to encourage open conversations that could prevent individuals from self-harming or from having suicidal thoughts. Delivery of this qualification in a college or other educational establishment should include facilitating conversations on the subject of self-harm and suicide awareness to take place in a safe and supportive environment.

Mode of attendance: Flexible

Number of weeks: 7

Venue: Online Delivery

Free Course

Certificate in the Principles of Cyber Security Level 2 (LEA24S040)

Digital Skills

This qualification is designed to provide learners with sector awareness. It will do this by increasing the knowledge and understanding of roles and issues relating to Cyber Security. It will also act as a stepping stone for learners who wish to study cyber security at a higher level.

Mode of attendance: Flexible

Number of weeks: 12

Venue: Online Delivery

Free Course

Certificate in Understanding Autism Level 2 (SKI24S029)

Health and Wellbeing

The purpose of the qualification is to develop learners’ knowledge and understanding of autism and how to support individuals on the autism spectrum to live healthy and fulfilled lives.

Mode of attendance: Flexible

Number of weeks: 11

Venue: Online Delivery

Free Course

Certificate in Understanding Behaviour that Challenges Level 2 (SKI24S030)

Health and Wellbeing

This course is ideal for learners who wish to develop an in-depth knowledge of behaviour that challenges in order to progress into related employment in health and social care. Anyone who currently works in education and health and social care settings would also benefit from the course

Mode of attendance: Flexible

Number of weeks: 9

Venue: Online Delivery

Free Course

Certificate in Understanding Children and Young People's Mental Health Level 2 (SKI24S031)

Health and Wellbeing

The qualification develops learners’ knowledge and skills in the area of children and young people’s mental health. The successful learner will understand the factors affecting mental health and a range of common conditions experienced by children and young people.

Mode of attendance: Flexible

Number of weeks: 9

Venue: Online Delivery

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