The purpose of this qualification is to develop learners’ knowledge and understanding of the Prevent
duty, British values, safeguarding and online safety.
The purpose of the qualification is to develop learners' knowledge, understanding and skills to enable
them to uphold British values in their current or future role. This includes developing an understanding
of the effects of extremism, radicalisation, and terrorism.
The aims are to promote equality, diversity,
and social inclusion in the workplace to support the Government’s agenda on tackling radicalisation
and extremism.
The qualification also develops learners’ knowledge and understanding of safeguarding and online
The knowledge and skills developed are appropriate to a wide range of job roles and are relevant to
organisations in meeting their statutory requirements under the Prevent Duty.
The qualification is appropriate to a wide range of learners especially those on apprenticeship
programmes or other training to prepare for work or as part of induction to a job role. It can also be
used as part of citizenship programmes for individuals coming to live in the UK.
Mode of attendance: Flexible
Number of weeks: 8
Venue: Online Delivery
Free Course