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Award in Understanding Safeguarding for Work, Education and Life Level 1 (KEN24S033)


A qualification course that gives you a short introduction to safeguarding for those with little or no prior knowledge. It is ideal for those working or volunteering with children or vulnerable adults.

Mode of attendance: In-person

Start date: Monday, 28 April 2025

Number of weeks: 10

Time: 12:00 - 14:00

Venue: Kendal Library

Free Course

Certificate in Allergy Awareness Level 2 (SKI24S001)


The qualification is suitable for a wide range of learners who wish to develop their knowledge and understanding of allergy awareness. It is designed for those who wish to understand allergies, the causes of allergies and what to do in case of an allergic reaction. There are three optional units which cater for those in different sectors: those who work in childcare, those who work with adults, and those who work in the service sector

Mode of attendance: Flexible

Number of weeks: 7

Venue: Online Delivery

Free Course

Certificate in Common Health Conditions Level 2 (LEA24S030)


This qualification is designed for learners looking to start work in, or already working in health and social care, who would like an understanding of common health conditions and their effects on individuals. This qualification aims to develop the learner’s knowledge and understanding of: various common health conditions monitoring the health of individuals affected by health conditions

Mode of attendance: Flexible

Number of weeks: 12

Venue: Online Delivery

Free Course

Certificate in Counselling Skills Level 2 (LEA24S011)


The qualification would be useful for anyone who would like to develop their use of counselling skills for use in either work or in a personal capacity.

Mode of attendance: Flexible

Number of weeks: 12

Venue: Online Delivery

Free Course

Certificate in Creating a Business Start-Up Level 2 (LEA24S032)


This qualification is designed for learners seeking the skills and knowledge needed to develop a business start-up. It will give learners an understanding of the initial processes and requirements of a business start-up, knowledge of the first steps in creating a business start-up, including the marketing, legal and financial requirements, and an understanding of how to write a business plan. This qualification will: focus on the study of starting a business support learners in creating a business plan

Mode of attendance: Flexible

Number of weeks: 12

Venue: Online Delivery

Free Course