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Certificate in Understanding Mental Health First Aid and Mental Health Advocacy in the Workplace Level 2 (SKI24S012)


The purpose of this qualification is to give learners the skills to support colleagues with mental health problems. These skills will be gained by increasing the learner’s knowledge and understanding of mental health conditions and the principles of mental health first aid and how this can be implemented in the workplace. This qualification is suitable for learners who wish to raise awareness of mental health, creating a culture of care and the promotion of positive mental health. This qualification gives learners the opportunity to understand mental health, its associated care and how this can be applied to learners or colleagues in the workplace.

Mode of attendance: Flexible

Number of weeks: 8

Venue: Online Delivery

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Certificate in Understanding Mental Health in the Early Years Level 2 (LEA24S025)


This qualification is designed for learners who wish to understand mental health in young children in the early years (from birth to 5 years old) and the role of the Early Years Practitioner to support children’s mental health and wellbeing. This is a knowledge-based qualification. Through achieving this qualification, learners will develop knowledge which would support progression to further qualifications and into relevant employment in the health and social care or education sectors.

Mode of attendance: Flexible

Number of weeks: 12

Venue: Online Delivery

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Certificate in Understanding Mental Health Level 3 (LEA24S007)


Build a knowledge base that can be used in a variety of occupational roles, gaining an understanding of the skills needed to work in mental health services, the importance of addressing mental health problems, and how legislation and publicity are changing attitudes towards those seeking treatment.

Mode of attendance: Flexible

Number of weeks: 18

Venue: Online Delivery

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Certificate in Understanding Nutrition and Health Level 2 (SKI24S033)

Health and Wellbeing

The purpose of the qualification is to increase the learner’s knowledge and understanding of nutrition and healthy eating. It covers the following areas: principles of healthy eating; nutritional needs of a variety of individuals; using food and nutrition information to plan a healthy diet; principles of weight management; eating disorders and food safety for the home environment.

Mode of attendance: Flexible

Number of weeks: 9

Venue: Online Delivery

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Certificate in Understanding Personal Care Needs Level 2 (LEA24S038)


This qualification is designed for learners who want to increase their knowledge and understanding of personal care needs. The purpose of the Level 2 Certificate in Understanding Personal Care Needs is to give learners specialist knowledge to support their work within the health and social care sectors. Learners will gain knowledge and understanding by successfully completing the units required.

Mode of attendance: Flexible

Number of weeks: 12

Venue: Online Delivery

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Certificate in Understanding Specific Learning Difficulties Level 2 (LEA24S015)


This qualification aims to give learners knowledge of different Specific Learning Difficulties, how they are diagnosed and how individuals can be supported. The qualification can be used by a wide range of learners looking to improve their knowledge and awareness in this subject area.

Mode of attendance: Flexible

Number of weeks: 12

Venue: Online Delivery

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Certificate in Understanding Specific Learning Difficulties Level 2 (SKI24S034)

Health and Wellbeing

Learners who wish to learn more about Specific Learning Difficulties. This qualification would also be useful for those who may wish to move into a support role for Specific Learning Difficulties in a school or work setting.

Mode of attendance: Flexible

Number of weeks: 9

Venue: Online Delivery

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Certificate in Understanding Technology Enabled Care Level 2 (LEA24S023)


This qualification is designed for learners who want to increase their knowledge and understanding of Technology Enabled Care (TEC). It will support the learner to develop their knowledge of how a range of technology can be used to help improve an individual’s quality of life and support them to live independently.

Mode of attendance: Flexible

Number of weeks: 12

Venue: Online Delivery

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Certificate in Understanding the Care and Management of Diabetes Level 2 (LEA24S021)


This qualification aims to: provide an understanding of the different types of diabetes and how they can occur develop awareness of how the onset of Type 2 diabetes can be delayed with lifestyle changes develop understanding of diabetes diagnosis and initial care develop understanding of ongoing care and treatment of diabetes to control blood sugar levels.

Mode of attendance: Flexible

Number of weeks: 12

Venue: Online Delivery

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