iPad for Beginners (KEN24T071)
Digital Skills
Enrol for this offering today by using the button below
Mode of attendance: In-person
Start date: Friday, 6 June 2025
End date: Friday, 20 June 2025
Number of weeks: 3
Time: 12:30 - 14:30
Venue: Kendal Library
Venue address: Stricklandgate, Kendal, Cumbria. LA9 4PY
Free Course
About the course:
In this course you will learn how to use your iPad from the beginning. You'll be shown how to turn your device on, how to connect to a Wi-Fi signal, alter basic settings on the device and how to search on the internet using your device. Learn new gestures, How to use Social Media on your device, How to stay safe and protect your device, Gain a better understanding of how ‘Cloud’ storage works. Use Microsoft applications, such as Word. Learn how to utilise Apple’s own apps Health, FaceTime, Notes, Reminders, Maps and Voice Memos and Use Pages effectivelyHow will the course be delivered?
You will work directly with your tutor as part of a small group. The sessions will include discussion and sharing ideas, you will have short tasks to complete and will receive materials to keep and to stimulate your own further learning in the future.
What do I need to bring?
You may find a pen and notebook handy to take notes and if you wear glasses don't forget to bring those too. And don't forget your fully charged iPad!
What are the entry requirements?
What can I do next?
On successful completion of this course you can progress onto the iPad for Improvers, the Nationally Accredited Qualification such as the new Essential Digital Skills Qualification or many of our other Digital Skills courses and workshops.
How well am I doing?
Your tutor will tell you how you are doing in the sessions and your progress will be recorded in your Individual Progress Record. You will work with your tutor to identify any particular areas that you want to improve and your tutor will support you achieve your goals.
Additional transferable skills:
Self Confidence, Independent Thinking Skills, Problem Solving Skills, Communication Skills
Centre: Kendal Adult Learning
Contact number: 01539 713257
Email address: kendaladultlearning@westmorlandandfurness.gov.uk