Functional Skills English Level 2 (WOR24S011)


This offering is currently fully booked, contact your local centre using the details below for more information

Mode of attendance: In-person

Start date: Tuesday, 25 February 2025

End date: Tuesday, 15 July 2025

Number of weeks: 18

Time: 18:00 - 21:00

Tutor: Colin Browne

Venue: Workington Library
Venue address: Vulcans Lane, Workington, Cumbria. CA14 2ND

Free Course

Fully Booked

About the course:

This course can support access to further and higher education opportunities. You will develop a range of formal and informal writing skills, including how to write letters, emails, reviews and blogs using correct punctuation and grammar. You will develop your reading skills by comparing texts and learn how to gain more understanding. You will also build your confidence in speaking and listening, as you are supported to give a short presentation, identify relevant questions and discuss interesting topics.

How will the course be delivered?

You will work with a tutor and a group of other learners. There will be whole class, group work and individual learning activities over 55 guided learning hours. Homework forms an integral part of this course: usually 1-2 hours per week, which will need to be submitted regularly to the tutor. For online delivery, you will need to have access to a stable internet connection, as well as a suitable device, e.g. a laptop/computer/tablet. Unfortunately, a mobile phone is not suitable. We may be able to assist with loan of a laptop - please enquire. Your local library may also offer internet access. A quiet, uninterrupted time-slot for course attendance is highly desirable, and regular attendance is essential.

What do I need to bring?

Pen, notebook and folder. Internet access is an advantage, as the course includes access to a range of free, digital home-learning opportunities, tailored to your individual needs.

What are the entry requirements?

Ideally, you will have achieved Functional Skills English Level One. You will be supported to complete an initial assessment. This will guide the decision on whether this is the right course for you at this time, or whether you require support to develop your skills further to enable you to undertake this course successfully.

What can I do next?

Pre-GCSE English and/or GCSE English; Introduction to Creative Writing. Other programmes of study from our offer.

How well am I doing?

You will receive regular written and verbal feedback from the tutor and will be given an individual progress record which will be regularly reviewed. You will be supported to set and monitor your own targets. Exams for the components of reading and writing will be scheduled. These are set by the awarding body and are externally marked. The Speaking and Listening assessment is marked by the tutor and externally verified. All components are graded pass or fail and all three must be passed to achieve the qualification.

Additional transferable skills:

Cultural Understanding, Digital, Empathy, Independent study, Organisation, Perseverance, Presentation, Recall, Research, Resilience, Self-confidence, Self-reflection, Supporting others’ learning, Teamwork, Time-management


Centre: Workington Adult Learning
Contact number: 01900 706023
Email address:
