Creative Writing: Workshops for Wellbeing (CAR24T110)


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Mode of attendance: In-person

Start date: Tuesday, 29 April 2025

End date: Tuesday, 20 May 2025

Number of weeks: 4

Time: 13:00 - 14:30

Tutor: Eleanor Jary

Venue: Civic Centre (Carlisle)
Venue address: Rickergate, Carlisle, Cumbria. CA3 8QG

Free Course

About the course:

Together we will seek to understand more about how writers draw readers in through setting, character and narrative - creating emotional connections with the audience or reader. As writers, we will do this too.

How will the course be delivered?

This is a face-to-face course at the Civic Centre in Carlisle, delivered over 4 sessions, each lasting 1.5 hours on a Tuesday afternoon from Tuesday, 25th February. We will look at different writing styles and genres and use them as models to write as a group and individually.

What do I need to bring?

An open mind and willingness enjoy writing together and sharing positive feedback. You may also find it useful to bring a notepad or jotter, pen or pencil, or device, if you prefer.

What are the entry requirements?

If you love great stories: novels, movies, audio books, poetry, graphic novels, short stories - or you’re a raconteur that has all listeners rapt – then you’re equipped to succeed on this course.

What can I do next?

Carlisle Adult Learning offers courses in Functional Skills and GCSE English qualifications, as well as Maths and IT.

How well am I doing?

The focus for this course is wellbeing, so the aim is to develop learners’ confidence in their writing skill. You can expect to receive positive and collaborative feedback from the tutor.



Centre: Carlisle Adult Learning
Contact number: 01228 227304 |01228 227305
Email address:
