Hi, my name is Mike Wigham and I'm the Adult Learning Manager in Carlisle. I love my job and feel such pride in providing a service that helps so many people to access courses and qualifications to support their education and health and wellbeing requirements. When I'm not at work I relax by improving my baking skills in the kitchen and spending time with my young family.
Carlisle Adult Learning
Please note that the Carlisle Adult Learning Centre is currently working out of the 7th Floor, Civic Centre, Carlisle. Contact details by email and telephone remain the same.
At Carlisle Adult Learning our wide range of exciting courses allows you to either gain a qualification or to learn a new skill (or both!). With a mixture of online teaching through Zoom and face-to-face teaching in local venues, we have something to suit everyone. The courses we offer include Maths, English, Digital, Employability, Languages, ESOL (English for Speakers of Other Languages), Hill Skills, Arts and Crafts and Health and Wellbeing.
The Carlisle team are based at Carlisle Library and we relish the opportunity to speak to new and existing learners about their own individual needs to get you started quickly on your learning journey.

Meet the team
Mike Wigham - Adult Learning Centre Manager
Nicola Boyle - Business Support Officer
Hi, my name is Nicola and I work as Business Support for Adult Learning. I have worked for Adult Education since 2004. I like to meet and speak to our potential learners, pointing them in the right direction to help them achieve in their continuing education. Hearing how our learners progress through the various levels of our courses and their achievements gained is what I find so inspiring about my job.
Sam MacLean - Community Development Worker
I am Sam MacLean, the Community Development Worker for Adult Learning - Carlisle. My role is to work with Partner Organisations to set up courses for individuals that would benefit from Building Confidence and Communication Skills, Maths, English and Digital Skills. I also liaise with schools to set up Family Learning courses for children and their parents/carers to enhance their knowledge around Resilience, Maths, English, Online safety and Healthy lifestyles. When I'm not working or busy with my 3 boys I enjoy the odd challenge - walking 26 miles along Hadrian's Wall and Paragliding from a mountain in Turkey were both fabulous experiences!
Diane Stanswood - Tutor
I am Diane Stanswood. I joined Adult Learning in autumn 2015 teaching French in the evenings. In 2016, I started teaching Spanish and then in November 2017 I began teaching ESOL to some of the Syrian refugee families who had arrived in Cumbria. I am currently delivering ESOL, Spanish and French. I am passionate about education for all and the importance of learning. I love languages and traveling as well as hiking, gardening and Manchester United!
Jane Hodgkinson - Tutor
Hello, Jane Hodgkinson here, Mindfulness Teacher with Adult Learning.
An interest in health and wellbeing led me into a career in nursing which later diversified into training to teach healthcare topics.
Having discovered the benefits of Mindfulness on a personal level, I was keen to share this with others who may benefit too; So I now combine my knowledge of health and wellbeing, teaching skills and enthusiasm for mindfulness to support others as they experience, explore and develop a mindfulness practice.
Jenny Torrealva Stevenson - Tutor
With a master's degree in education, a background in MFL, English and QTLS, Jenny's first job as an English teacher set her off on a career in English language in a few roles including teacher, editor, mentor and language researcher. After working in different schools, colleges and universities as an English and Spanish Lecturer in South America and the UK, she joined Cumbria County Council, initially as a Spanish tutor and is currently teaching English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL).
Jenny is a highly experienced ESOL Tutor. In her teaching practice Jenny has worked with learners of different nationalities and now is working with groups of refugees. Teaching is something that she is very passionate about.
Away from her computer and the classroom, Jenny loves listening to music, writing poetry, enjoying the countryside and playing the piano.
Linda Cousins - Tutor
My name is Linda Cousins and I joined Adult Learning in September of this year and work in the LLDD section of Adult Learning. I work around Carlisle in different venues delivering Community Learning activities to groups of learners as well as teaching 1-1. In addition to arts and crafts I teach Independent Living Skills and enjoy creating ways to make learning fun. The courses are based around meaningful learning opportunities designed to develop self-confidence and skills which promote a level of independence and growth. I am passionate about teaching and it gives me great satisfaction when I see learners come together and broaden their experiences, build in confidence and self-esteem, are engaged and motivated as they work towards developing a range of skills and realise their potential.
I enjoy gardening and have created a few community gardens along my teaching journey with groups of learners. I also enjoy walking, cooking and baking as well as anything arts and crafts.
Miriam Gibson - Tutor
My name is Miriam Gibson and I have been an LLDD tutor for Adult Learning for eight years. I teach Skills for Life, Maths, English, Cooking and Wonders of Nature.
I live with my husband and my dog, Poppy.
In my spare time I enjoy walking with my dog, gardening and cooking. I am part of a reading group which encourages a variety of genres, the discussions around the books are very lively and great fun.
Nigel Cannar - Tutor
I am Nigel Cannar and joined Adult Learning in January 2023. After serving 22 years in the Army I found a second career in education. First training engineering apprentices then moving into sixth form management and teaching in Carlisle. I have taught a variety of courses, Public Services, Engineering, ICT, Workskills before final ending up as a psychology teacher. Throughout all of these technology has always featured heavily. I am passionate about the role that technology can have in enhancing and making our lives easier. I hope to share my passion with you.
In my spare time I love looking after my grandchildren, learning to play the guitar - slowly, course fishing and travelling.
Olesya Collier - Tutor
I am Olesya. I taught English and German in Russia for 10 years before moving to the UK, where I now also teach my native Russian. Learning a language has tangible educational benefits, but the intangible recreational wellbeing that accompanies it is important too. I like to lead learners on a journey of discovery using various techniques, media and activities, then encourage them to socialise in their new language.
Eleanor Jary - Tutor
Hi, I’m Eleanor Jary. I joined Adult Learning in September 2024, teaching English GCSE and Functional Skills. I love how adult learners support each other and grow in confidence, not just in their chosen subject, but in life! Before I was a teacher, I was a journalist, most recently with Carlisle Living and Cumbria Life, but also in New Zealand, where I lived for 10 years and started my family. When not at work, I’m a committed dog-walker, lunch-eater, Francophile and gardener (in that order!).
Lynn Nixon - Tutor
Hello, I’m Lynn Nixon and I’ve been an Arts Tutor with Adult Learning for over three years. It’s a wonderful job not just because of the teaching, but because I watch people develop skills and confidence and find joy in what they do. I am passionate about art and how good it is for the soul! It’s not just about making a picture, it’s feeling the paint or ink on the page, how colour or marks from pencil transform you to somewhere else, it’s just so enjoyable!
When I’m not working, I love to walk, make more art, watch films, and feed the birds.
One of our team is available to talk to you over the phone to answer any of your learning queries
01228 227304
01228 227305
Monday-Friday 9am-5pm
We aim to respond to all enquiries within 24hrs (excluding weekends).
Carlisle Adult Learning
Cumberland Council
Carlisle Library
11 Globe Lane