Adult Learning Concession and Fees Policy 2024 to 2025

Change Log

  • First release.
  • Added further details within the Adult Skills Fund and Tailored Learning sections regarding the remission reason eligibility for learners declaring they are in receipt of other state benefits.
  • Updated the ‘Introduction’ section to reference the extent of government subsidy.
  • Updated the narration of the earnings threshold to include reference to the requirement to be employed.
  • Added an evidence matrix for alongside the approach to retention of documentation.
  • Added a new fee reduction scheme section to incorporate existing Council staff discount and Discount Code schemes in addition to:
    • Added a scheme outlining the Health Referral Scheme.
    • Added a scheme to outline the approach to carers accessing provision to support another learner.
  • Added a section covering appeals.


The following concession and fee policy must apply across all provision funded by Adult Learning. This policy sets out below the instances where fees are to be collected from learners. It is important to note that all Adult Skills Fund provision delivered by Adult Learning is either fully or substantially subsidised by the ESFA. The policy dictates that learners, at most, will contribute a maximum of 30% of the cost required to run the provision, with the remaining 70% minimum funded by the UK Government.

Fee rates will not be set by subcontracted partners. The rates outlined below will be used by the MIS team when setting up courses on ProSolution and will be used for calculating and publishing course rates on the website and the brochures.

Enrolment Form and Evidence of Remission

The enrolment form is a contract between the Learner, Adult Learning and the ESFA. To meet the funding and concession requirements the enrolment form must be completed fully and signed by the Learner and Provider. These must be original ‘wet’ or digitally timestamped signatures. 

When signing the enrolment form the learner is declaring that they meet the criteria of the concession for which they are applying for. By the provider signing the enrolment form, this confirms that the learner meets the funding criteria and fee remission evidence has been provided where required.

The following table sets out the types of acceptable evidence for each funding stream and remission reason excluding those which are a self-declaration:

Funding StreamRemission ReasonAccepted Evidence
Adult Skills Fund

Employed and earn below the £25,000 annual gross salary earnings threshold


  • Wage slip dated within 3 months of the Learner start date.
  • Universal Credit statement dated within 3 months of the Learner start date.
  • Current employment contract stating gross monthly and/or annual wages.
  • For those self-employed, two consecutive HMRC Tax Returns (or) most recent HMRC Tax Return supported by a bank statement showing income through earnings dated within 3 months of the Learner start date (or) two bank statements showing income through earnings dated within 3 months of the Learner start date.
Tailored Learning

Employed and earn below the £25,000 annual gross salary earnings threshold


  • Wage slip dated within 3 months of the Learner start date.
  • Universal Credit statement dated within 3 months of the Learner start date.
  • Current employment contract stating gross monthly and/or annual wages.
  • For those self-employed, two consecutive HMRC Tax Returns (or) most recent HMRC Tax Return supported by a bank statement showing income through earnings dated within 3 months of the Learner start date (or) two bank statement showing income through earnings dated within 3 months of the Learner start date.
Council Staff Discount
  • Cumberland Council, Westmorland and Furness Council or hosted identification badge.
  • Current Cumberland Council, Westmorland and Furness Council employment contract.
  • Most recent Cumberland Council, Westmorland and Furness Council wage slip.

Any evidence provided physically will not be copied and retained by Adult Learning. For digitally supplied evidence, Adult Learning will not retain digital evidence for longer than what is deemed necessary to determine eligibility.

Adult Skills Fund Provision up to Level 2 (or first Level 3 for 19 to 23 Year Olds and Free Courses for Jobs)

Eligible learners attending the following provision will be fully funded under the Adult Skills Fund policy:

  • Legal Entitlement Qualifications
  • Free Courses for Jobs

Eligible learners who declare one of more of the following remission reasons will be fully funded under the Adult Skills Fund policy:

  • Receive Jobseeker’s Allowance (JSA), including National Insurance credits only
  • Receive Employment and Support Allowance (ESA)
  • Receive Universal Credit (UC), and your take-home pay as recorded on your UC statement (disregarding UC payments and other benefits) is less than £892 a month (sole benefit claim) or £1437 a month (joint benefit claim)
  • Receive other state benefits and your take-home pay (disregarding UC payments and other benefits) is less than £892 a month (sole benefit claim) or £1437 a month (joint benefit claim)*
  • Unemployed, not receiving any benefits, want to be employed, and learning is directly relevant to your employment prospects.
  • Employed and earn below the £25,000 annual gross salary earnings threshold

*Learners declaring the ‘Receive other state benefits…’ remission reason are eligible if they self-declare to be in receipt of at least three of the following benefits:

  • Attendance Allowance
  • Bereavement Allowance (previously Widow’s pension)
  • Bereavement Support Payment
  • Carer’s Allowance
  • Child Benefit
  • Child Tax Credit
  • Disability Living Allowance (DLA)
  • Guardian’s Allowance
  • Housing Benefit
  • Incapacity Benefit (from the 29th week you get it)
  • Income Support
  • Industrial Injuries Benefit
  • Lump-sum bereavement payments
  • Maternity Allowance
  • Pension Credit
  • Pensions paid by the Industrial Death Benefit Scheme
  • Personal Independence Payment (PIP)
  • Severe Disablement Allowance
  • State Pension
  • War Widow’s Pension
  • Widowed Parent’s Allowance
  • Winter Fuel Payments and Christmas Bonus
  • Working Tax Credit

All other eligible learners will be co-funded under the Adult Skills Fund policy and a 100% concession will apply inclusive to 31 July 2025.

Tailored Learning Provision

Eligible learners enrolling on Skills for Life and Empowering Communities, No Fee provision will be fully subsidised.

Eligible learners enrolling on Empowering Communities, Fee based provision who declare one of more of the following remission reasons will be part subsidised and required to pay a concessionary fee:

  • Receive Jobseeker’s Allowance (JSA), including National Insurance credits only
  • Receive Employment and Support Allowance (ESA)
  • Receive Universal Credit (UC), and your take-home pay as recorded on your UC statement (disregarding UC payments and other benefits) is less than £892 a month (sole benefit claim) or £1437 a month (joint benefit claim)
  • Receive other state benefits and your take-home pay (disregarding UC payments and other benefits) is less than £892 a month (sole benefit claim) or £1437 a month (joint benefit claim)*
  • Unemployed, not receiving any benefits, want to be employed, and learning is directly relevant to your employment prospects.
  • Employed and earn below the £25,000 annual gross salary earnings threshold

*Learners declaring the ‘Receive other state benefits…’ remission reason are eligible if they self-declare to be in receipt of at least three of the following benefits:

  • Attendance Allowance
  • Bereavement Allowance (previously Widow’s pension)
  • Bereavement Support Payment
  • Carer’s Allowance
  • Child Benefit
  • Child Tax Credit
  • Disability Living Allowance (DLA)
  • Guardian’s Allowance
  • Housing Benefit
  • Incapacity Benefit (from the 29th week you get it)
  • Income Support
  • Industrial Injuries Benefit
  • Lump-sum bereavement payments
  • Maternity Allowance
  • Pension Credit
  • Pensions paid by the Industrial Death Benefit Scheme
  • Personal Independence Payment (PIP)
  • Severe Disablement Allowance
  • State Pension
  • War Widow’s Pension
  • Widowed Parent’s Allowance
  • Winter Fuel Payments and Christmas Bonus
  • Working Tax Credit

The concessionary fee rates are as follows:

Mode of AttendanceConcessionary Fee Hourly Rate
In Person£3.00

All other eligible learners enrolling on Empowering Communities, Fee based provision will be part subsidised and required to pay the following hourly rate:

Mode of AttendanceFull Fee Hourly Rate
In Person£6.00

Full Cost

All learners will be required to pay the following hourly rate:

Hourly Rate

Fee Reduction Schemes Offered by Adult Learning

The following section outlines schemes that offer reduced fees to eligible individuals for Tailored Learning Empowering Communities, Fee provision commencing up to 31 July 2025. The schemes may be altered or removed at the discretion of Adult Learning without notice.

Council Staff Discount

Cumberland Council and Westmorland and Furness Council employees will be eligible to redeem a 15% discount for all fee-paying provision. The following restrictions will apply:

  • The discount will be deducted from the tuition element only.
  • The discount cannot be applied on top of existing fee reductions, including when applying for a remission.

Discount Codes

Adult Learning may publicise special offers which can be redeemed at by entering a discount code during enrolment which entitles the purchaser to a 15% discount. The following restrictions will apply:

  • The discount will be deducted from the tuition element only.
  • The discount cannot be applied on top of existing fee reductions, including when applying for a remission.

Health Referral Scheme

Adult Learning operates a Health Referral Scheme which aims to provide an opportunity for learners to join a range of fee-based provision to support their health and wellbeing when referred by a partner organisation and/or a professional. Eligible learners under the policy will be entitled to access a maximum of 20 hours of fee-free provision. This one-time entitlement expires after a learner has accessed a total of 20 hours, which if required can redeemed against multiple offerings. Where a learner exceeds the 20-hour fee-free entitlement, learners will be expected subject to pay the required fees based on their individual circumstances.

Fees for Carers

Adult Learning is committed to ensuring accessibility for all learners, including those who require support to attend. Therefore, we do not charge a fee to individuals who are attending solely to provide care or assistance to another learner. This applies to carers who accompany learners with disabilities, additional needs, or other support requirements that would otherwise prevent them from fully participating in their chosen provision(s). Carers are not considered enrolled learners and will not receive certification or accreditation for attendance unless they choose to formally enrol on a provision themselves.


Learners have the right to appeal any decision made under the Adult Learning Concession and Fees Policy 2024 to 2025. The appeals process ensures that all decisions are reviewed fairly, transparently, and consistently.

Grounds for Appeal

Learners may appeal decisions relating to:

  • Fee remission eligibility determinations
  • Concessionary fee entitlement
  • Rejection of evidence provided for remission or reduction schemes
  • Any other decision made under this policy that directly affects their access to learning opportunities

Appeals Procedure

  1. Informal Resolution:
  • In the first instance, learners should raise their concerns with Adult Learning staff, who will attempt to resolve the issue informally.
  • If a resolution is reached, the outcome will be confirmed in writing.
  1. Formal Appeal Submission:
  • If the learner is not satisfied with the informal resolution, they must submit a formal appeal in writing within 10 working days of receiving the initial decision.
  • Appeals should be sent to for the attention of the Adult Learning Business and Information Manager, including:
    • Full name and contact details
    • The decision being appealed
    • The reason for the appeal, including any supporting evidence
  1. Review of Appeal:
  • The appeal will be acknowledged within 5 working days of receipt.
  • A senior member of Adult Learning staff, not involved in the original decision, will review the appeal.
  • Additional evidence may be requested from the learner if necessary.
  1. Outcome Notification:
  • A written response outlining the outcome of the appeal will be provided within 15 working days of receipt of the formal appeal.
  • The response will detail the full and final decision.

Confidentiality and Record Keeping

All appeals will be handled confidentially, and records will be maintained in line with data protection regulations. Appeal outcomes will be used to improve the fairness and transparency of policy implementation.

For further information or assistance with submitting an appeal, Learners may contact Adult Learning at


Updated: 4 March 2025

Download a copy of the Concession and Fees Policy below: